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Why become a member of ASAP?

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does membership entail?

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Do I need to be part of AAA to join ASAP?

Yes. Membership with the Association for the Anthropology of Policy (ASAP) requires membership with the American Anthropological Association.

How much does it cost?

Current AAA members can add ASAP membership for $10.00 for professionals, free for students, and $30.00 for those who wish to join as sustaining members.

How do I sign up?
  1. Join AAA here if you’re not yet a member
  2. Log into your account
  3. Go to “Join a Section or IG”
  4. Find and join the Association for the Anthropology of Policy section
I don't live in the US. Should I still join?

Yes! We welcome anyone interested in the anthropology of policy, no matter where you’re based. 

Ready to join us?

  1. Join AAA here if you’re not yet a member.
  2. Log into your account.
  3. Go to “Join a Section or IG”
  4. Find and join the Association for the Anthropology of Policy section